Saturday, November 22, 2008

Towards the history of national communism in Ukraine - James Mace

How much we miss you James, today we share the sorrow of the Ukrainian nation, reflecting on the Ukrainian Holodomor. Something that was a passion for you, to expose the criminal elements of this great tragedy and your concept of that: “James Mace’s concept of a post-genocidal society sets the agenda for the future”

Vichnaya Paymat to you dear James, Vichnaya Pamyat to all victimis of Ukraine's Famine - Holodomor 1932-1933.

James Mace, an outstanding son of America, a person who devoted all his lifetime to the hard work of restoring the historical truth and the national dignity of Ukraini­ans, a prominent historian, political writer and public figure, Professor James Mace went down forever in the history of Ukrain­ian intellectual thought as a researcher of the 1932-1933 Holodomor in Ukraine, of its preconditions, course and consequences for our nation. It is this part of Mace’s scholarly legacy that The Day readers will know best of all. But the circle of Mace’s academic interests also included another, no less important and topical (and still little researched to boot) theme: the tragedy of Ukrainian national communism. This is the subject of the study ”A Great Experiment. Towards the History of National Communism in Ukraine,” the first part of which we are offering to The Day readers. This article is part of the book James Mace: ”Your Dead Chose Me” which was published in the Day Library series in early September. This is the first time it is being published in the newspaper. Could Ukrainian society have been successfully developing under the leadership of national communists? How would it have affected the further course of national history? If Ukrainian national communism was, in Mace’s view, a great experiment of history, what was the essence of this experiment? Why did it suffer a fiasco? Finally, to what extent right is the deep-rooted stereotype of the past two decades that a true Ukrainian patriot is always a person of right-wing (conservative, right liberal) views and that the farther right s/he is the brighter his/her patriotism is? A serious-minded reader (for whom James Mace’s study is intended) will find in it well-grounded answers to these questions and, undoubtedly, very rich factual material to reflect on.

Click here for complete article.

Source: The Day (Den)

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