Contemporary Ukraine is a testing ground, not just for educational reforms but also for a fierce struggle being waged against Soviet and Russian colonial heritage and for the right to be part of a united Europe and in particular to be part of the European higher education area.
The appointment of Dmitry Tabachnik as minister of education and science in March 2010 was an attempt to turn back all of Ukraine's efforts towards integration with Europe on higher education issues.
The education policy of Tabachnik is based on his political views, which are viewed as being pro-communist and pro-Russian. In my view Tabachnik is a Russian chauvinist in his attitude to the Ukrainian language, culture and historical memory.
Read complete article here.
Source: University World News
Also very interesting program in Ukrainian
Спільна Правда випуск №6
Спільна Правда - телепроект, завданням якого є донесення правдивої інформації про найголовніші події сьогодення.
Тема шостої програми - антиурядові студентські протести. Гості: Єлизавета Щепетильникова, президент всеукраїнської асоціації студентського самоврядування та Сергій Пархоменко, координатор "АнтиТабачної кампанії".
Ведучий: Олександр Данилюк.
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